Congratulations to the Following TeamUSA 教师 on their Recent and Upcoming Presentations



Join us congratulating the following TeamUSA faculty on their recent and upcoming 演讲!

Several TeamUSA faculty presented at the Team-Based 学习 Collaborative Conference 2018年3月,加州圣地亚哥. 特蕾莎·赖特,科琳·林奇,黛布拉·斯旺齐,金伯利 约旦, & 朱莉Estis received the "Best Poster" award for their poster, "TBL based integration of clinical situations to enhance nursing student perceptions of the elderly: 混合方法研究." 南 was well-represented at this international TBL conference 有以下介绍:

-水晶刘易斯: An innovative TBL module for teaching ethics in human subjects research.
-德鲁刘易斯: Assessing student performance in your TBL course with Standards-Based Grading.
-布里奇特·摩尔,珍·斯蒂伦, & 罗恩·斯蒂伦: Exploring computer-based and paper-based perceptions of Team-Based 学习’s readiness 保证过程.
-汉娜Szatkowski & 劳伦·布兰南: A student-centered approach to peer evaluation in Team-Based 学习.
-Theresa Wright, Colleen Lynch, Debra Swanzy, Kimberly 约旦, & 朱莉Estis: TBL based integration of clinical situations to enhance nursing student perceptions 老年人:一项混合方法的研究.
-朱莉Estis & Cecelia马丁: 当你在课堂上尝试新事物时会发生什么? 学生对团队合作的印象 学习.
-朱莉Estis & 卡拉Kubitz: Evaluating multiple choice questions for readiness assurance tests and application 活动.
-朱莉Estis:大学范围内的TBL: 实施和影响.

劳伦·布兰南 & 汉娜Szatkowski presented "The application of a Team-Based 学习 model in a literacy methods course" at the meeting of Professors of Literacy Teacher Educators, a special interest group of the International Literacy Association in Orlando, FL(2017年7月).

朱莉Estis & Cecelia Martin presented "What happens when  you try something new in 教室里? 学生对团队合作的印象 学习" at the 南ern Association of 学院和学校 Commission on Colleges Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX (December 2017).

菲尔·卡尔,塞西莉亚·马丁, & 朱莉·埃斯蒂斯将介绍“建立和评估 impact of Team-Based 学习 in a general education anthropology course" at the Association of American Colleges and Universities General Education and Assessment Conference, 宾夕法尼亚州费城(2018年2月). 

Karen Peterson 将 "Team-Based 学习 in the humanities" at the Intermountain Teaching for 学习 Conference in Henderson, NV (March 2018).

劳伦·弗里高,莱尔,R.奇卡塔拉,南卡罗来纳州.W . Corejo.和美国的奥康博. 将 "Connecting North and 南: Engaging English Learners from Latin America with U.S. World Languages Undergraduates through Reciprocal Service 学习" at the Comparative and International Education Conference in Mexico (March 2018)

Leander Grimm 将 "The Significant Impact of a Dedicated Team-Based 学习 Curriculum on a Surgery Clerkship and Standardized National Examinations" at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Surgical Education (ASE) in Austin, TX. (5月 2018).

画路易斯 & Steven Clontz 将 "An Introduction to Team-Based 学习. 提出了 at the Mathematical Association of America MathFest" in Denver, CO (August 2018)


If you have a publication, presentation, or grant proposal related to TBL, please 在这里告诉我们! 另外,一定要参加 2018南阿拉巴马州教与学会议 and check the program for 演讲 by our TeamUSA faculty. 




